Sister State

Sister State concept is a people-to-people, citizen diplomacy initiative to build and create relationships between 2 international states in an effort to promote closer relationships and co operation in the business industries, government initiatives, education, tourism, culture and agricultural sectors.

When a community of any size decides to join with a community in another nation to learn more about one another, and to develop friendly meaningful exchanges, the two communities propose a formal affiliation leading to official designation as Sister States. Therefore, a sister state relationship is a broad-based, officially approved, long-term partnership between two communities.

Objectives of the Program
  • To provide opportunities for city officials and citizens to experience and explore other cultures
  • To create an atmosphere that implements and strengthens economic and community development
  • To stimulate environments to learn, work and solve problems together
  • To reciprocate to cultural, educational, municipal, business, professional and technical exchanges and projects
  • To Collaborate with organisations which share similar goals in the sister state
  • To gain greater sensitivity towards other cultures and a broader global perspective
  • To develop everlasting friendships by promoting a unifying spirit at grass roots level