• Welcome to Andhra Pradesh and get the APInvest Advantage

    Investments are critical to economic growth, focused efforts are an imperative to drive growth in chosen sectors of the economy and provide convenience & comfort to the investing community. APInvest is the single point of contact that facilitates investments in Andhra Pradesh.

    Sri N.Kiran Kumar Reddy

    Honoroble Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh

    Andhra Pradesh offers what Global IT companies look for -World Class Infrastructure (social and physical),Skilled ManPower and Excellent Connectivity.
    • The National Geographic in its article Emerging Global Cities of the World has rated Hyderabad as the Next Silicon Valley and Andhra Pradesh as the Hi-tech Capital of the subcontinent.
    • NASSCOM in its survey jointly with Mckinsey has ranked Hyderabad as the #1 City in India for IT Enabled Services.
    • Hyderabad has been ranked as the most business friendly city in India - WHO
    • Hyderabad is one of the Top Seven Global Destinations for ITES investments in the world.
  • Agriculture
    Agriculture has been the chief source of income for the state's economy. Four important rivers of India, the Godavari, Krishna, Penna and Thungabhadra flow through the state, providing irrigation. Rice, sugarcane, cotton, mirchi (chilli pepper), mango and tobacco are the local crops. Recently, crops used for vegetable oil production such as sunflower and peanuts have gained favor. There are many multi-state irrigation projects in development, including Godavari River Basin Irrigation Projects and Nagarjuna Sagar Dam, the world's highest masonry dam.
    • More than 77% of its crop is rice; Andhra Pradesh produced 17,796,000 tons of rice in 2006.
    • Andhra Pradesh is also known for corn hybrids , Sunflowers, and mustard.
    • Biotechnology research in Andhra Pradesh has gone to a new height and focuses on increasing agricultural yields for local farmers.
    • The State also invests a lot in Advance Research and Development especially in pharmaceuticals, bioinformatics and genetics.
    A mega FAB city at Hyderabad, is being developed by the Government of Andhra Pradesh as the first exclusive solar PV module and semi conductor manufacturing at hyderabad. This is a first of its kind in India and is expected to manufacture solar PV modules, chips for SIM cards, micro processors and other applications, including telecom.
    • The Fab city would be a multi billion investment opportunity of this decade for all companies in the Semi conductor related industry.
    • FAB City would have multiple units, manufacturing silicon wafers, solar power and LCD and TFT chips.
    • FAB city in close vicinity of Hyderabad International Airport.
  • Manufacturing
    The Government of Andhra Pradesh is committed to catapulting the State into the top slot of industrial development in India, with a thrust on manufacturing which includes -
    1. Semiconductor Manufacturing
    2. Hardware and EMS sector
    3.Renewable Energy
    4.Special purpose machines
    5. High precision machined components
    6.Parts used in Defence and Space research
    8.IT Hardware
    10.Nano-Technology & Many more
  • Special Economic Zones

    Special Economic Zones are deemed to be territories outside the Customs territory of India offering multiple benefits including a 15 year tax holiday.
    • Special Economic Zones are a magnet to the IT Industry. The state is taking steps to develop SEZs such a Product Specific and Multi product SEZ spread over the state.
    • Single window clearance for setting up a unit in a SEZ.
    • Single window clearance on matters relating to Central as well as State Government.
    • Simplified compliance procedures and documentation with an emphasis on self certification.
  • Pharmaceuticals

    Andhra Pradesh has trained and skilled manpower, research and development facilities.
    • World-class Pharma City at Parawada near Visakhapatnam with private sector participation in an expanse of 2900 acres.
    • Two Formulation parks being developed.
    • Andhra Pradesh is called the Bulk Drug Capital of India
    • Andhra Pradesh contributes around 30% of pharma production in India.
    • Some of the best US FDA approvied plants are located in Andhra Pradesh.
    • Pharmexcil - Phamraceutical Export Promotion Council is in Hyderabad.
    • Over 2500 pharma companies are in AP.
  • Bio Technology

    The State with its rich natural resources, abundant and diverse agricultural and forest wealth , huge marineresources and cattlepopulation , provides tremendous opportunities in the Multi Billion $ biotech industry.
    • The State already has several agri biotech companies doing multi- million $ business.
    • The presence of a large number of corporate and government hospitals in Hyderabad and facilities for healthcare education and research also facilitates clinical trials of biotech products.
    • Andhra Pradesh has premier research institutions like the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, the National Institute of Nutrition, the International Crop Research Institute for Semi- Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), etc. The existing infrastructure for research provides the necessary support for the development of biotechnology in the State.
    • The State Government has declared an area of 600 square kilometers as the Genome Valley in which biotech activities will be encouraged and promoted.
    • Andhra Pradesh is called as Vaccine Capital of India
    • Genome Valley an exclusive Biotech Cluster first of its kind in India is located in Hyderabad.
  • Textile & Apparel Promotion

    The textile and apparel industry is set to grow into a multi billion dollar opportunity.
    • Andhra Pradesh is the third largest cotton producer in the country.
    • Government is aiming at promotion and developing a strong and vibrant Textile Industry in Handloom, Power loom, Textile and Apparel sectors.
    • The Scheme of Integrated Textile Parks(ITPs) would be implemented through Special Purpose Vehicle (SPVs) with operational autonomy.
  • Food Processing

    The state enjoys a position of pre-eminence in respect of crop production.
    • Andhra Pradesh is endowed with bountiful of natural resources, good fertile soil, diversified cropping patterns and major irrigation systems fed by perennial rivers.
    • There is a mega opportunity in food processing in the state.
    • Rice is the largest contributor to Andhra Pradesh's economy.
    • Andhra Pradesh is No. 1 in producing Mango, Chillies, Turmeric and Oil Palm.
    • Abundant marine resources.
    • AP stood as TOP producer of vegetables and No.2 in Horticulture in India.
    • Export of processed fruits and agricultural products contributes good export revenues.